
Pack 78 Den Leader

Cub Scout den leaders work directly with Cub Scouts and their parents/guardians to execute the Cub Scouting program in the den. Dens may have a den leader and assistant den leader or two co-den leaders. In all situations, den leaders work with parents as a team to deliver the program.  Qualifications: Is at least 21 years old, and should be an experienced leader and is usually a parent or guardian of a child in the den. Recommended by the Cubmaster after consultation with the parents and guardians of the Cub Scouts involved, and approved by the pack committee and chartered organization.

Registered as an adult leader of BSA and current with Youth Protection training. 


Den Leader Training

Core to succeeding with these responsibilities is the concept that every Cub Scout deserves a trained leader. Being a trained leader helps you deliver the program in a way that is effective and efficient with a focus on the core objectives of Scouting. Becoming a trained leader requires completion of the following training:

Both trainings are available online at my.scouting.org and as an in-person training through your local council service center. Leaders who have completed these two trainings qualify to wear the Trained Leader emblem.


This Den Leader Guide is designed to be self-contained, including all the information you will need to run your

den meetings. However there are additional resources which may be helpful to the Cub Scout leader’s experience. Many packs have pack libraries as well for sharing among their pack leadership.

How to Volunteer with Pack 78

Pack 78 is a 100% parent volunteer run organization.  Parent participation is necessary to plan and run each Scouting event.  Please consider signing up as a volunteer. 

Pack Leadership Positions

We currently have a number of leadership openings.  Our leadership team continues to evolve as our leadership team transitions from Cub Scouts to the next steps along the Scouting trail.  Click on the links below for a description of the roles.  Please contact leadership@pack-78.com if you’re interested in learning more.

Volunteer Process

Step 1:  Adult Application

Register as an adult Den leader on my.scouting.org. 

Step 2:  Online Training

Complete the REQUIRED Youth Protection Training (YPT) online and the appropriate Den Leader Training. Once you have your account set up on my.scouting.org you will have access to the My Training tab.

Step 3:  California Law Protecting Youth - AB-506 

The State of California recently enacted California Assembly Bill 506 of 2021 (AB-506) which implements new background check and training standards for California Youth Service Organizations such as your Council. AB 506 will supplement the Boy Scouts of America’s existing obligations in order to provide a safe environment for the youth we serve and to prevent child abuse and neglect.

Click here to start the process - https://californiascouting.org/pacific-skyline/ 

More info on AB 506

Pack 78 is a 100% parent volunteer run organization.  Parent participation is necessary to plan and run each Scouting event.  Please consider helping.